A Helpful Digital Pet!
I remember having a Tamagotchi in middle school that I kept looped to my backpack. I would check on it throughout the day to make sure its binary wellness was maintained by my arbitrary button pushing. (Wow, apparently millennials were really setting ourselves up to be adults.) Now, as an adult, I work best by creating a series of task lists to make up my day. Throughout my journey in organizing, I have worked with many people who struggle to incentivize daily goals solely through checking off to-do items.
I recently learned about the app Finch, which serves as a modern-day, helpful pocket pet! You can add custom to-dos or select from their list. I really appreciate that they included so many care tasks like brushing your teeth, getting outside, taking a walk, and more. I not only recommend this app if you are struggling to incentivize your daily tasks, but also to help set a solid habit around care tasks.
I have been testing out the app for the past few weeks, entering my to-do list for the day as well as the goals I would like to accomplish. Not only do I get to see my completed items crossed of the list, but your little bird gets points to buy snazzy outfits or decor for their little house.
Is this for everyone? Of course not, what is? If you are overwhelmed and cannot seem to commit to your daily goal list, give this app a try. You can use this link to sign up, and feel free to add me as a friend when you sign up using code DTZNFDTV7G so I can cheer you on!